Comments on: Ratatouille – French Vegetable Stew Fast Prep, Big Flavours Sun, 17 Mar 2024 19:16:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Staci Sun, 17 Mar 2024 19:16:16 +0000 5 stars
This recipe and your roasted marinaded vegs are my go tos.

Some changes:

1. I mix it up and will sometimes roast vegetables first. I sometimes roast tomatoes if they are getting soft. They are super ripe and sooo sweet.

2. Also, back to tomatoes. I implore people to seriously consider Nagi’s brand recommendations. Mutti tomato anything is absolutely stunning. It almost freaks me out how sweet they are. I use their canned plum tomatoes for this.

3. Additions: Red wine. Like a Pinot or cab adds an amazing depth. As does a very small splash of fish sauce and premium balsamic or Sherry vinegar. I add the wine and let it cook off and then the fish sauce midway and vinegar toward the end. If using Mutti or sweeter tomatoes, you really need the acid to balance. I’m going to try lemon next time.

4. Really good olive oil. I cannot stress this enough. It brings a great peppery finish. I made this at my mom’s house and she had a decent brand but not what I was used too. Guess what? Ground white pepper adds that layer of flavor.

5. Husband hates brined olives. Strangely, if I sauté and basically disintegrate, he is fine. He is okay with capers. Also, anchovies can add a bit of salty umami. I had two filets and it popped! At that moment, I did skip the fish sauce.

Nagi, you are a star!

By: Marianne Mon, 11 Mar 2024 05:35:01 +0000 5 stars
I made this yesterday as the vegetable side dish for a barbecue. I think this will take the place of my standard roasted vegetables at my parties. It was delicious. I made it almost exactly like the recipe – but added one extra Zucchini and use freeze dried thyme and a few shakes of dried basil in the end instead of the fresh.

By: Pauline Sun, 10 Mar 2024 02:48:16 +0000 5 stars
I’ve made ratatouille many many times, but never this way. I’ll never make it any other way again, absolutely delicious. My husband then used the leftovers on a lasagne and it was one of the best lasagnes he’s made! Thank you for the recipe

By: Michelle Sat, 17 Feb 2024 21:45:38 +0000 5 stars
Wow!! This was totally amazing! Even my man had to admit that it was pretty sensational for just being vegetables!!
